junk food, healthy eating, weight loss, GMOs

Junk Food – NOT Food At All

Marketing can be a powerful tool. How so? Well, just think about it. Because of marketing, the masses can be...

health and fitness, exercise, fitness, metabolism, healthy lifestyle

How to Stay on Track With Your Weight Loss

Many people would love to lose 5 pounds, but there are those who need to lose, as much as 30,...

red wine health benefits, health and fitness, weight loss

Red Wine and its Health Benefits

Have you been looking for more reasons to enjoy red wine? There’s good news, because it really does provide you...

fruits and veggies, healhy eating, summer eating, summer BBQ

Boosting Your Health with Summer Fruits and Veggies

We all crave that time of year when we get to show off some skin and enjoy being outdoors in...

Exercise, metabolism

Losing Weight and Everyday Exercise

Weight loss is a goal that requires both a disciplined dietary approach and exercise, among other factors, to achieve and...

health and fitness, healthy eating, busy professionals

Fitness Tips for Busy Professionals

Any worker in America can attest to just how bad working can be on your health. Whether it’s sitting at...

healthy eating and drinking, health and fitenss, metabolism, exerise, fruit juices, fat to fit

Drinks to Add to Your Diet

When people get tired of drinking water, they often choose to drink sodas or other types of unhealthy drinks filled...

health and fitness, yoga, exercise, weightloss

Yoga 50 and Over

If you’ve never done yoga before, the thought of starting over age 50 may seem daunting. However, yoga is far...

healthy lifestyle, fat to fit body, healthy body weight

Long Term Weight Loss – 5 Tips

Losing weight can take a lot out of you, physically, emotionally, mentally. And many times, once it’s off, you feel...

men weight loss program

High-Protein Diet and Weight loss

Eating more protein can help you in your weight loss efforts. Understanding how protein helps you lose weight, as well...
