Best Cardio Workouts For The Very Obese

The sad truth is millions of people all over the world are now considered obese. Most obese people have tried every diet under the sun and resort to gastric bypass to finally lose the weight. But as we all know, gastric bypass is extremely dangerous. And more often than not, the patient doesn’t want to have the surgery they just feel there is no other way. Besides all of the health issues that come along with being obese, there are also other issues. For example, going to the gym is a very scary and intimidating thing. Most obese people can’t fit on the machines. And when it comes to going to a workout class, well that’s too embarrassing. In this article you will learn how to get your body moving again so you can lose the weight and keep it off.

Exercise #1 – Chair Aerobics recumbent bike, obese, weight loss, fat to fit, fitness, exercise, exercise for the very obese, chair aerobics

If your weight won’t allow you to stand for longer than a few minutes, try chair aerobics. Sitting in a chair and doing aerobics is a great way to start getting some regular exercise. To make the workout more intense, you can use resistance bands. The great thing about exercising is it can be modified to suit your fitness level. You can do so many different exercises all while sitting in a chair. For ideas, look online or purchase a chair exercise book.

Exercise #2 – Water Workouts

Water workouts are some of the best workouts for those who are considered obese. When you are in the water you feel weight less. That means there will be less impact on your bones and joints making the exercise more enjoyable. You would be surprised how many different workouts are able to do in the water. You can swim, walk around the pool and use weights. The resistance of the water will help you increase your metabolism and tone your body.

Exercise #3 – Ride A Recumbent Bike  recumbent bike, obese, weight loss, fat to fit, fitness, exercise, exercise for the very obese

If you don’t want to get out of the house, you can purchase a recumbent bike and ride it at home. Recumbent bikes are great because they give you support while you are working out. If you don’t want to pedal for hours on end, you should consider getting a recumbent cross trainer. This is a machine that is very similar to a stepper. It allows you to work both your upper body and your lower body at the same time.

Exercise #4 – Take A Walk

If you are extremely obese you may be thinking there is no way you can take a walk. But here’s the deal – I want you to start off slow. If you can only walk to the mailbox and back, do that. Always remember even a little effort goes a long ways. Just the fact you are getting off the couch and doing something is great! The key is to keep getting stronger and stronger with each passing day. As you do, you will see the weight start to come off.

Keep in mind your diet is also very important. It takes a combination of exercise and eating right to lose weight. You can’t start exercising and leave your diet the same. You need to do both if you truly want to lose weight and get in shape.

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