How Plank Exercises Can Transform Your Body

With so many complex exercise routines out there, it can be pretty hard to find one that isn’t too complicated, time consuming, or which requires a lot of equipment. Ideally, you should try doing exercises that will focus on a few muscle groups at once and that will help you achieve both your performance and aesthetic goals.  Planks are the perfect choice. They are an effective and efficient total body exercise that you can do anywhere. On top of that, it will have a great impact on your body no matter how fit you are.

When most people see someone doing planks, they think that it is an ab exercise. Even though it will have an incredible impact on your abs, planks will actually work a lot more muscles. When performed correctly, planks will create tension through your whole body, thus activating all of your core muscles.  Since all major core muscle groups are engaged when you’re doing a plank, you will definitely see your athletic performance improve.
Here are some of the most important muscle groups that you will engage by doing planks and the impact they have on your physical abilities:

• Transverse Abdominis: This muscle group will help you lift heavier weights.
• Oblique Muscles: This muscle group will increase your capacity for stable waist-twisting and side-bending.
Rectus Adbominis: This is the muscle group that is responsible for helping you have that stunning six-pack look. On top of that, it will also improve your athletic performance, especially when it comes to jumping.
Glutes: This muscle group will provide you with a strong, well-shaped backside and a supported back.

Here Are Some Of The Main Benefits That You Can Experience From Doing Planks:  Oblique Muscles, glutes, mental health through exercise, core muscle groups, exercise and anxiety

  • You will greatly reduce the risk of experiencing an injury in your spinal and back column, since it is an exercise that will allow you to build muscle without putting a lot of pressure on your hips or spine.  According to an article written by the American Council on Exercise, planks not only reduce back pain, but strengthen your muscle and support your entire back as well.
  • You will improve your posture.  This is extremely important, as most people don’t have a straight and stable posture these days. The reason why doing planks will enable you to always maintain proper posture is because you will work your abdomen, which has a great effect on the condition of your shoulders, back, chest, and neck.
  • You will boost your metabolism. By doing this, you will actually ensure that you burn calories even when you’re resting. This means that planks are much more effective when it comes to losing weight than exercises they are often compared to (such as sit-ups or crunches).  Doing a plank at home before going to work in the morning will also help your body keep your metabolic rate high throughout the whole day.
  • You will become more flexible, as this exercise stretches and expands all of your posterior muscle groups, while it also stretches your toes, arches of your feet, and hamstrings.
  • You will experience improved mental health.  This is due to the fact that planks stretch out muscle groups that contribute to tension and stress in your body, which has an excellent effect on your nerves, and helps you improve your overall mood.  If you’re in the habit of sitting in your chair during most of the day, then tension will build up in your muscles. However, doing planks is an incredibly easy way to calm all those muscles. This exercise is even able to treat anxiety!

The greatest thing about planks is that you can see some tremendous results by doing them only 5-10 minutes a day.

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