weight loss, bike exercise

Benefits of Stationary Bike Workouts

The stationary bike is without a doubt one of the most popular pieces of home workout equipment. It comes in...

swimming, fat to fit, fitness, weight loss, swimming for exercise

Benefits of Swimming Workouts For Fitness and Muscle Toning

Swimming is a simple exercise that anyone can do. It’s low impact and it can burn calories and build muscle...

tabata workout, metabolism, fat to fit, weight loss, interval training

Aerobics 101: Benefits For Fitness And Weight Loss

When you are exercising and you start to work up a sweat and your heart starts pumping, that’s known as...

suspension workout, full body workout, build muscle, weight loss, burn fat, fat to fit, fitness

Best Home Exercise Equipment

You don’t need to have an expensive gym membership or certified personal trainer to reach your fitness goals. It’s easy...

personal trainers, weight loss, fat to fit, workout partner, weight training, cardio

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Sometimes it’s necessary to obtain help to lose extra weight for better health; therefore hiring a personal trainer is imperative....

pilates, health and fitness, exercise, weight loss, cardio

9 Benefits Of Pilates And How This Workout Works

Pilates is a workout routine that was introduced to the masses in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates.  The main purpose...

healthy eating, fat to fit, fitness, exercise

How Eating Healthy Now Affects your Body in the Future

Think of your health as the amount of money in your bank account. Just as you’d like to have more...

yoga poses, fat to fit, stress reliever, fitness, exercise, metabolism, fitness, anti-anxiety

How Yoga Alleviates Stress Related Conditions And Body Aches

Any situation the body perceives as dangerous or threatening triggers the stress or “fight or flight” response in the body....

booty exercises, metabolism, weight training, fitness, health and fitness, big butt, fat to fit

Lose Your Butt Fat

Losing fat from the butt is a common fitness goal. There are many ways a person can achieve this. There...

cross training, weight training, fat to fit, exercise, metabolism, fitness

Bodybuilding vs. Cross Training

Many people, especially those who are at the beginning of their gym journey, wonder what will bring them better results...
